Saturday, August 28, 2010

Let the Adventure Begin....

Welcome Classmates (and anyone else bored enough to read this),

With the hot and hazy days of summer just beginning to wane, and the sounds of the UT Rocket Marching Band practicing in the distance, yet another year of collegiate academics is upon us. I look forward to the challenge this semester brings, and the rigors of finishing my Certificate in Web Design. I say "challenge" because it's not easy working full time and trying to go to school all the while trying to keep up with the usual hum-drum life brings (you know - laundry, grocery shopping, paying bills, etc.) For those of you not yet working, when graduation arrives and you see the real world just a few steps in front of you - RUN! Run the other way as fast as your little educated legs can carry you! Just's not that bad.

I am enrolled in this course in particular for a few reasons. For starters, I know how to read blogs but thought it would be more fun for me if I knew how to create my own. Secondly, I have high hopes that this will some day be applicable to my career. Finally, as mentioned in my bio, I have a huge family. I don't live where I grew up, so eventually this could be a good way to keep them informed about my life.

My experience with blogging is almost non-existent. Like I mentioned above, I know what blogs are and how to read them. (This is where I will confess for the first time that ashamedly, I do read the blogs on Bravo of the Housewives of New Jersey. That show is such a train wreck I just can't pull myself away!) I do not know how to create or maintain blogs.

I have friends that keep blogs, and via peer pressure, I'd like to be able to maintain my own. My hope is to learn enough that one day, they will be jealous of my blogging, vodcasting and podcasting skills.


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